Page 10 - Supreme Profile
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Renewable Energy For a Greener, Better Future
Energy derived from renewable sources - is cheap, good for our environment and is, in our opinion, a good
foundation on which a nation can build a future. Here is why:
Fossil Fuels Are Limited Most renewable energy sources, and the Energy and National Security
technology used to harness them, are
The earth is running out of these, and as low carbon emission. Once installed, they Energy security should be a major
human populations increase, demand have minimal or no carbon output, and concern for every country which aims to
will eventually outstrip supply, prices will can still provide our energy needs. We can be independent from outside influences.
rise, and conflicts over them will increase. never go fully carbon neutral as it takes There is an undeniable link between each
Although it’s difficult to determine precisely resources to make a solar panel, build a country’s national security - and the access
when these non-renewables will run out, dam etc, but it is a critical, significant and a country has to resources for energy
why should we go down a road that we needed reduction of our carbon output production and consumption. If a country
know does not lead anywhere good? and footprint. loses - or finds it has restricted access - to
oil and other resources, instability is likely
Public Health Environmental Damage as energy is rationed.
Oil, gas, coal drilling, mining, and generat- As fossil fuels get harder to find, and The bullies of this world have caused
ing electricity from these sources results prospectors search for new pockets of armed conflict or political instability in
in high levels of pollutants being pumped oil and coal, they have to drill longer and gas or oil-producing countries in search of
into local environments and the wider at- deeper, causing permanent damage to our energy security, or have restricted access
mosphere. So, reducing and possibly halt- planet, local wildlife and environmentally for energy net-consumers by deliberately
ing these activities is as much about pub- sensitive areas are threatened. cutting supply.
lic health as it is about conservation. Few Though some renewables will have an
renewables are entirely emission-free, but environmental impact, many do not and
their output is much lower than conven- when built, have no further impact, unlike
tional fossil fuel acquisition and process- on-going drilling.
ing. Thus reducing your carbon foot print.
Economic Stability
Carbon Emissions & Climate
Change In many cases, energy produced from
renewable energy sources is cheaper than
If you have been to “developed” countries, that produced by conventional means. In
you will have likely observed first- addition, the cost of electricity generated
hand the consequences of traditional remains constant, which means that and
industrialisation. We see no reason why we economy backed by renewables is likely to
should take the same route to our future. remain stable.