Page 6 - Supreme Profile
P. 6


   PROTECT YOURSELF FROM                                     INCREASE THE VALUE OF
   INCREASES IN ENERGY                                       YOUR PROPERTY
                                                             All else equal, I would pay more for a house which
   Once installed, your system will continue to              generates a majority of the energy I will be consuming
   generate free electricity year after year, substantially  once I occupy it, wouldn’t you? With the rising cost
   reducing or even eliminating your electricity bill. It    of electricity, the time has come when buyers are
   will however also arrest the cost of your electricity     increasingly focused on energy efficiency when
   per KWh (per unit), ensuring that the cost remains        considering which home to purchase.
   the same for the systems lifetime.

   SIGNIFICANT RETURNS ON                                    PROTECT THE ENVIRON-
   INVESTMENT                                                MENT

   It is hard to find an investment with better returns      Generating your own electricity from renewable
   than your very own local power plant. From day one,       sources means you draw less electricity from the
   you will experience the savings on your electricity       grid, electricity that is usually generated by burning
   bill, which translates to a return on your initial        coal and other non-renewable fuels. Installing a
   investment of 15 - 30% per annum. Your system             renewable energy system is therefore the single most
   will pay for itself in about 3-6 years, after which you   effective step you can take towards reducing your
   can effectively erase the electricity consumption         carbon footprint and increasing your contribution to
   expenses from your personal/commercial budget             a sustainable tomorrow for the future generation.
   for more than 20 years without any maintenance

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